Kindness To The Parents And Submit In Islam
ووصينا الإنسان بوالديه إحسانا
حملته أمه كرها
ووضعته كرها
وحمله وفصاله ثلاثون شهرا
حتى إذا بلغ أشده
وبلغ أربعين سنة قال
رب أوزعني
أن أشكر نعمتك
التي أنعمت عليّ وعلى والديّ
وأن أعمل صالحا ترضاه
وأصلح لي في ذريتي
إني تبت إليك وإني من المسلمين.
القرآن الكريم الأحقاف 46\15
We have enjoined on men
Kindness to his parents
In pain did his mother
Bear him, and in pain
Did she give him birth
The carrying of the child
To his weaning is
A periode of thirty months
At length, when he reaches
The age of full strength
And attains forty years,
He says,
O my Lord!
Grant me that I my be
Gratful for Thy favour
Which Thou hast bestowed
Upon me, and upon both
My parents, and that I
May work righteousness
Such as Thou mayest approve
And be gracious to me
In my issue. Truly
Have I turned to Thee
And truly do I submit
To Thee in Islam
Qur`an Kariem Winding Sand-Tracts 46/15
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