Minggu, 31 Januari 2016



Oleh :  H.Saiful Islam,Lc.,M.Hum.

                 Dalam dimensi ilmu pengetahuan moderen Negara Islam Madinah pada masa pemerintahan pertama Kedaulatan Nubuwwah dan pemerintahan selanjutnya Khilafah Nabawiyah Rasyidah, adalah seperti umumnya negara negara yang ada di dunia, berada dalam batasan dimensi sekularitas ruang dan waktu, meliputi instrumen formal legal dari ummat manusia sebagai rakyatnya, wilayah tertentu sebagai  geo-aktual otonominya dan pemerintahan yang berdaulat sebagai penyelenggara serta mendapat pengakuan dari luar.
                  Adalah suatu Kebenaran Hukum Mutlak bahwa Negara Islam Madinah real adanya, memiliki kekuatan hukum suprem sebagai sebuah fenomena Negara Islam berdaulat dan otonom, bersifat abadi, dan elastis, dan menjadi Paradigma Tunggal Hasanah yang dikukuhkan langsung oleh Allah swt. dari langit sebagai landasan yuridis formal Rabbani.(QS.33/21-27).    
                   Yang menjadi keunikan negara ini adalah kedaulatannya. Sebagai satu fenomena transendental ia berbeda dengan kedaulatan dan sistem otonomi negara negara lain. Berdasarkan hasil temuan eksplorasi sejarah, kedaulatan negara ini adalah Kedaulatan Agama Islam Kaffah (total), meliputi segala betuk dan sistem yang ada di dalam Islam, mulai dari masalah: hukum, administrasi, politik, ekonomi  dan sistem mu`amalat praktis lainnya. Bahkan mencakup pula tertib aturan hukum perang dan damai dan segala yang berhubungan dengan urusan dengan dunia sekalipun.
                  Bentuk institusinya adalah Negara Komunal Kesatuan, pemerintahannya dijalankan oleh seorang kepala negara paling bertakwa, dibantu oleh para aparat pilihan dan sangat bertakwa, memiliki kapabelitas tinggi dan kemauan kuat untuk mewujudkan cita mulia negara, yakni “Iqaamatu ad Dien Kaaffah” (menegakkan agama secara total), mewujudkan kesejahteraan agama, jiwa, akal keturunan dan harta kekayaan rakyat.
                 Dari uniknya, negara ini tidak dibatasi oleh batasan territorial geografis atau demografis, bahkan etnis. Maka otonominya sangat spesifik Rabbani, dibangun di atas landasan prinsip; Otonomi Akidah, Otonomi Syari`ah, Otonomi Ihsan dan Otonomi Ilmu Pengetahuan.
                Sumber yuridis otonominya adalah Al Qur`an, Sunnah Praksis (Secred Legal Way) Rasulullah saw dan Ijtihad.
               Aplikasi praksis prinsip prinsip ini telah berhasil diejawantahkan dalam bentuk fenomena perilaku real selama sepuluh tahun  pada masa pemerintahan pendiri pertama Rasulullah saw. Dan menjadi kaedah metodologis praksis yang wajib diikuti dan dilestarikan oleh generasi kemudian, sebagaimana para salaf saleh terdahulu dari para Khulafa` Rasyidin berhasil mempertahankan dan melestarikan tradisi pemerintahan dan Otonomi Nubuwwah ini selama 32 tahun.
               Sebagai sebuah kebenaran ilmu mengapa tidak banyak para pakar akademisi hukum kita yang tertarik untuk membedah kembali kaedah kaedah kebenaran ilmu Pemerintahan Negara Islam ini dan mengembangkan aspek aspek ontologinya sebagai upaya pengayaan terhadap muatan maknawiyah (spirit) epistemologi pembangunan Negara Islam kembali ke ruang alam real aksiologi publik ummat komunal kontemporer yang utuh dan kaafah.
                Adalah suatu permasalahan besar yang harus diselesaikan oleh para komunitas peneliti dan pengembang hukum kita. Betapa sangat mendesak urgensi mengangkat kembali topik ini ke dalam dunia penelitian akademik sebagai upaya pengembangan hukum di seputar sistem otonomi atau aturan Hubungan Pusat dan Daerah dalam pemerintahan Negara Islam hingga pada dimensi aplikatif praksis aksiologi. Sudah saatnya Ummat ini berupaya semaksimal mungkin membangun kembali simpul pertemuan yang tegas antara Otonomi Pemerintahan Negara Islam masa Khilafah Rasyidah dan Pemerintahan Negara Negara Islam Kontemporer, khususnya Negara Negara Islam yang tergabung dalam keanggotaan Organisassi Kerjasama Islam ( منظمة التعاون الإسلامي ), Organisasi Kesatuan Dunia Islam (  منظمة رابطة العالم الإسلامي ) dan Bank Pembangunan Dunia Islam  (البنك الإسلامي للتنمية ) yang Nampak masih sangat jauh senjang dari poros paradigmanya.
               Permasalahan Hukum Tata Negara Islam dewasa ini mutlak memerlukan para pakar hukum  peneliti mumpuni yang mampu menemukan solusi hukum praktis back to basic paradigmanya tanpa harus meninggalkan temuan temuan hukum moderen bersifat konstruktif, tapi tidak pula menggusur kaedah kaedah kebenaran  mutlak  hukum Rabbani yang bersifat final abadi dan murni.
              Masih dalam dimensi kaedah kebenaran ilmu, secara ontology otonomi pemerintah Negara Islam masa Khilafah Rasyidah telah diakui sebagai sebuah paradigma Negara Islam panutan setelah paradigma Negara Islam pertama masa Khilafah Ilahiyah Nabawiyah.(Muslim,Shahih2/504).
             Secara lebih spesifik, mendesak sekali diperlukan lahirnya produk produk penelitian akademik yang tuntas mengelaborasi dan mengeksplorasi temuan temuan deduktif dan induktif sejarah praksis otonomi dan aturan hubungan pusat dan daerah dalam pemerintahan masa Khilafah Rasyidah, sehingga diharapkan di arena aksiologi kontemporer anak anak generasi Ummat ini  mampu menemukan bahkan membangun kembali simpul pertemuan simbio mutual akademik antara real basic praksis penyelenggaraan otonomi pada masa pemerintahan Khilafah Rasyidah dan dalam real aktual praksis penyelenggaraan otonomi pada Negara Negara Islam Kontemporer.
                 Dan yang lebih mendesak lagi, anak anak generasi kontemporer Ummat ini dituntut memiliki keterampilan aestetik akademik dalam melakukan identifikasi masalah otonomi murni untuk dapat diakui sebagai sebuah kaedah kebenaran ilmu dan dapat diaplikasikan sesegera mungkin dalam real kepemimpinan gelobal Ummat Muslim Komunal Kontemporer, yang saat ini terkapling dalam berbagai kepentingan geo-ekosistemik; geoetnik, geopolitik, geoekonomi dan lain lain, seakan akan semua itu telah  meletakkan mereka tidak hanya pada letak geografis yang jauh dari otonomi pemerintahan Ibu Kota Sucinya Pertama Madinah Munawwarah, sebagai Ibu Kota Suci Kedaulatan Negara Islam masa masa pertama.
                 Untuk lebih sederhananya, mungkin perlu meletakkan rumus rumus pertanyaan akademik, agar masing masing anak anak Ummat ini dapat melakukan interaksi aktif dengan kaedah kaedah akademik yang telah ditawarkan di atas, kira kira :
1.      Apa dasar dasar aksiologi hukum otonomi yang berlangsung dalam  pemerintahan Negara Islam Madinah masa Khilafah Rasyidah?
2.      Bagaimana pola pengembangan epistemology sehingga dapat memimpin dan mengontrol setiap perubahan maju laju aksiologi, terutama dalam penyelenggaraan hubungan antara pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah yang tergabung dalam eko system kedaulatannya?
3.      Mengapa para akademisi harus menemukan pola hukum potisitif kongkirt yang mampu merajut kembali Negara Negara Islam Kontemporer dan bersatu kembali menjadi satu kesatuan Ummah Wahidah dalam ruang publik raya alam semesta ini di atas prinsip prinsip otonomi pemerintahan Negara Islam Madinah?
            Demikian, semoga dalam petualangan elaborasi dan eksplorasi untuk  menemukan jawaban atas pertanyaan pertanyaan akademik nanti akan senantiasa disertai Allah, dibimbing kepada ta`at dana pa yang dicintaiNya, dan memastikan dalam kebenaran pijak langkah hanya untuk kebaikan Islam dan Ummat Islam serta alam semesta. Amien ya Rabbal `aalamien.
                                                                               Yogyakarta, Kamis 28 Januari 2016M.     

Selasa, 26 Januari 2016



          The spectacular development and expansion of scientific technology works change in multiline of life facilities in the public colomn all of universe, and it`s gave more contribution for change and formulation of leadership style  in the contemporary institution of Chilafah Islamiyah. 1292 years old (632 – 1924 A.D) the institution of Prophetic Chilafah Islamiyah Goverment leaded by one person as central  figure of Chalifah. 89 years after until now (1924 – 2013 A.D) the leadership of Chilafah Islamiyah Goverment is going on colligial licitum style, and it`s closing on 13 century the Goverment of Prophetic Chilafah Islamiyah leads the universe, or in exactly 1292 years a bout from the first era of Chalif Abu Bakar As Shiddiq ra, he who was first founder  hand by hand which one other companions those who foremost in faith ((السابقون الأولونat 12 H/ 632 A.D  till death of last Chalifah of Ottoman periode  at Turk  1344H/1924 A.D in accordance with Integral Centralistic or Federal Decentralistic relation. 
             Some alteration occured with the leadership style of Prophetic Chilafah Islamiyah when Sultan Abdul Majid, the last Chalif of Ottoman empire slide down. But it doesn`t mean as some scholar impression that the Prophetic Chilafah Islamiyah has fallen out or collapse, because in accordance with the principles of ontology, epistemology and axiology the three pillars of it`s goverment are still exist. Those are; the Constitution (Al Qur`an and Sunnah Rasulullah saw), peoples (all of beliefers) and territorial georaphic ( all of Muslim states). And moreover the fact that was the Holy Capital City Madinah Munawwarah, whereas at once it was the Centra Of the Islamic Goverment  of Contemporary Prophetic Chilafah Islamiyah, and so Mecca Al Mukarramah whereas located the  MWL (Muslim World League) Organisation as the Higher People`s Consultative Assambly of Contemporary Chilafah Islamiyah, so the Holy Capital City of Al Quds, whereas located the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) as the Higher People`s Reperesentative Assambly of Contemporary Chilafah Islamiyah, even thou was temporary until the time with no limit in according with the declaration conference it held at Mecca on 13 – 14 August 2012 A.D / 1 -2 Romadlan 1433 H, that the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation located temporary at Jeddah in some palace given as honorable award from the King Abdullah bin Abdul Aiziz as the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 
        One century closely or in exactly 90 years long has gone from 1344H/1924A.D  till now 1434H/2013A.D the Prophetic Chilafah Islamiyah existed in the colmn of the univers does`nt in it`s leadership potret with single  person as the top central higher leader it`s named Chalifah or Amir Al Mu`minin. But the contemporery existential leadership is the Colligial  Licitum,  consisting from several Muslim leaders of Higher Goverment Institution of Contemporery Prophetic Chilafah Islamiyah, i.e.the General Secretary of Muslim World League as the leader of Higher People`s Consultative Assambly of the Contemporary Prophetic Chilafah Islamiyah, and the General Secretary of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation as the leader of Higher People`s Representative Assambly of the Contemporary Prophetic Chilafah Islamiyah, and further more than several leaders from several countries as members of Administrative Territorial Geographic Contemporary Prophetic Chilafah Islamiyah.           
There is prosperous interesting and differential phenomenon in the style of contemporary Prophetic Chilafah Islamiyah leadership in comparing with the ealier leadership configuration.
           Firstly : The leadership configuration of Prophetic Chilafah Islamiyah from the earlier periode until the death of the 56th Chalifah Al Mu`tashim Billah in the era of Chilafah Abbasiyah goverment 640 – 656 H/1242 – 1258 A.D it has Integral Centralistic  character. Because this institution leaded by the only one single Chalifah as the top of leader with integral authority. This configuration of leadership is going on during 644 years (12 – 656H/634 – 1242 A.D. Later the leadership of Chilafah Islamiyah was gone on from 656 H/1242 A.D until the last era of Ottoman empire 1334H/ 1924 A.D. So that the goverment of Prophetic Chilafah Islamiyah has ever leaded the world during 1292 years (12 – 1334H/ 634 – 1924A.D), or it mean closely to 14 century  it has been existed on the surface in it`s potret of leadership configuration as one single Cahlifah.   
               And now the international community was bearing witnesses in close communion with the success of Prophetic Chilafah Islamiyah while it has leaded the world, which in time it spreaded the beneficent of Islamic massage through the principle of it`s constitution; Laa Ilaaha Illallaah Muhammad Rasulullah. These the two sentences had became a life basic or principle of mankind in the world, and both of them are always filled air with the echo of adzan (the call for shalat together at the mosque) exclamation on the world wide of public heaven`s colmn  continously with no any sapace of time although in litle minutes accordance with differences time of each country.      
              Individually, the Muslim as principle part of communal structure and member of Chilafah Islamiyah Ummah, their existence in the hemisphere or in anywhere of any geographic country, he always be the resource of beneficence and benefit for all mankind a round him, in step with his loyal agreeement to Allah who has given him guidance to the Islam as the religion of goodness
             Secondly, the leadership of prophetic Chilafah Islamiyah is Colligial Licitum. This configuration looked as some flashback of public space vacuity of Prophetic Chilafah Islamiyah from Chalifah as higher central leader during 38 years from the last of Ottomon empire era 1344H/1924A.D until the establishment of Muslim World League Organisation (MWL) 1391H/1962A.D as the Islamic International Universal Organisation reside in Mecca Al Mukarramah. During this period the relation configuration between Central Goverment of Islamic Chilafah and the members of Islamic Countries of Contemporary Chilafah Islamiyah was gone on Colligial Decentralistic, it`s mean the Law it`s produced colligially from such conference held allowed to be executed flexibly in accordance with situation and power condition of   Islamic Countries members of Contemporary Chilafah Islamiyah. 
              38 years a long, it was  so enaugh large distance, because the local Muslim leaders  in all over the country of Chilafah Islamiyah goverment; from Asia, Africa, and parts of Europe during that they gone forwarded  strugle against arrogance of colonial paganism that wish remove the Institution of Chilafah Islamiyah from the world surface. However  the colonial paganism arrogance that`s rised sporadicly it`s doesn`t has enaugh power to estinguish the light power of ontology, epistemology and axiology of Chilafah Islamiyah, because this institution has taken strong root in the deep of it`s land constitution Al Qur`an and be gabare on the cultural civilization of gracefully  Prophetic Chilafah traditions, popularly it`s named Manhaj Khilafah Nubuwwah Wa Rahmah منهج خلافة نبوة ورحمة,  the Guide of Prophetic and Gracefully Chilafah.
                Come after word, the Organisation of Islamic Conference established, currently it`s named the Organiation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on the strength of the first Islamic Conference decision result it`s attended by several Foreign Ministries from out of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia held at Jeddah on Muharram 1390H/ February 1970A.D.
            The axiological function of OIC in the Goverment of Contemporary Chilafah Islamiyah it was been the Higher Senator Council of Chilafah Islamiyah, accomodate and fasilitate the voutes of all Muslim people as the Islamic Ummah of contemporary Chilafah Islamiyah to find right solution of their life and religion problem in mutual accord on perspective of current Islamic ontology, epistemology and axiology.              
            The third higher main instrument of Chilafah Islamiyah is the Islamic Development Bank with the axiological function of it as the higher of Muslim Fund of Contemporary Chilafah Islamiyah, has been officially commanced operations in 1975A.D. The purpose of the Bank is to foster the economic development and social progress of member countries and Muslim communities in accordance with the principles of Shariah (Islamic) Law. 
               Initially, 22 countries of the organisation of Islamic Conference ( OIC ) 
Elected to sign up for membership. To day that member has more than doubled to include 56 member nation from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. The Bank`s authorized capital has increased fifteen fold from USD $3 billion in 1395H (1975) to USD $44 billion in 1429H (2008). The reasion for this seems simple: IDB  has solid track record of delivering results and creating a lasting benefit for member countries.
            This is also eviden by IDB receiving an "AAA" rating by Standard & Poors, and Moody`s, as well as being classified as a zero risk weighted multilateral development bank under Basel Capital Accord II. Further that, the IDB in accordance with it`s axiological function it has performed it`s function as the Higher Muslim Fund ((بيت المال العاليand General Finance Controller for all of Islamic Banks or Syariah Banks in all over the Islamic countries of Contemporary Chilafah Islamiyah.
            On the historical journey of the three bigest Islamic Organisations; MWL, OIC and IDB  in agree with the epistemology and the axiological functions as the centre highers  instruments of Contemporary Chilafah Islamiyah really they have good succes and high capabelities in establishing the Centralization and Decentralization with all of Islamic Countries  in all over the world; Asia, Africa and Europe in mutual accord with the Processing and Producing Principles of Constitutional Instructions Al Qur`an and Sunnah/ Rasulullah saws  Tradition.
               In commamorite the1422nd years age of Chilafah Islamiyah 22-1434H or the 1381st years 632 – 2013A.D it`s important to do revitalizing of the leadership configuration in the Internal Goverment of Contemporary Chilafah Islamiyah. And so if we able or allowed visibly to give a pice of mind, in accordance with the point out revitalization of Contemporary Chilafah Islamiyah will be going eventually and thorough fulness if the three highers institution leaders of Chilafah Islamiyah; MWL, OIC and IDB, they all allied colligially in one agreement to held Big Conference in appoinment some one who has full power to be Chalifah and take hold the single authority in the leadership goverment of Contemporary Chilafah Islamiyah, because we all are in full confident and sure that the leadership configuration on the hand of one Chalifah it will be taking good effect and cause the character Centralistic and Decentralistic relation between Central Goverment of Chilafah Islamiyah and the Goverments of Contemporary Islamic State members it will be more suprem and strict as it has gone on the world during 15 centuries.
               So  glory be to Allah, The King, Full of Wisdom and Exelted in Might,   and Chericher of all in the heavens and all of on the earth, and praise be to Him more and more with no limit.                  

Senin, 25 Januari 2016

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation - History

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation - History


The Messenger
Of Allah, Muhammad PBUH, to
you and all of His Creature,  
Stood up
And adressed the people and said :
No, by Allah
I do not fear for you o people anything
But that which Allah will bring forth for you
Of the splender of the life of this world
A man said : O Messenger of Allah!
Does good produce evil?
The Messenger of Allah remanded silent for moment
Then he said : What did you say?
He said : I said : O Messenger of Allah?
Does good produce evil ?
The Messenger of Allah saw said to him :
Good does not produce anything but good, or better than it
Everything that grows in the spring may either kill or
make the animals sick
Except if an animal its fill of greenery
it eats, then when its flanks are stratched
It turns to face the sun
And defecates or unirates
Then its chews it cud
Then its comes back and eats more
Whoever acquires wealth lawfully
Its will be blessed for him
But whoever takes wealth unlawfully
He is like the one who eats and is never satisfied
The Sacred Legal Way of The Prophet.
Muslim, The Authentic  No. 2422

Selasa, 19 Januari 2016


The Messenger
Of Allah PBUH, to
you and all of His Creature,
He said:
"By the One in Whose Hand is
the soul of Muhammad, no one
among this nation, Jew or
Christian, hears of me then dies,
not believing in that with which
I was sent, but he will be one of
the people of the Fire."
The Sacred Legal Way of The Prophet.
Buchari, The Authentic  No. 386
And It was
narrated that Salih' bin Sâlih Al-
Hamdâni said: "I saw a man from
the people of Khurâsân asking
Ash-Sha'bi: '0 Abü 'Amr!
Among the people of Khurasan
who came before us, if a man
freed his slave woman and married her,
they would say that
he is like a man who rode his sacrificial animal.
' Ash-Sha'bi said:
'Abü Burdah bin Abi Müsâ narrated to me
from his father,
that the Messenger of Allah said:
"There are three who will
be given a double reward:
A man
among the people of the Book
who believed in his Prophet, then
lived to see the Prophet PBUH and followed him
and believed in him
- he will have a double reward.
And a slave who fulfills his duty
towards Allah and towards his master –
he will have a double reward.
And a man who had a slave woman whom he fed
And fed her well, and taught her and
taught her well, then he set her free and married her –
he will have a double reward.
" Then
Ash-Sha'bi said to the Khurâsâni:
'Take this Hadith with no effort, for a man would travel
to Al-Madinah for less than this."
The Sacred Legal Way of The Prophet.
Buchari, The Authentic  No. 381