ألم يأتكم نبأ الذين من قبلكم
قوم نوح وعاد وثمود
والذين من بعدهم لا يعلمهم إلا الله
جاءتهم رسلهم بالبينات
فردوا أيديهم في أفواههم
وقالوا :
إنا كفرنا بما أرسلتم به
وإنا لفي شك مما تدعوننا إليه مريب
القرآن الكريم إبراهيم 14\ 9
How not the story reached you
O people!
Of those who went before you?
Of the People of Noah,
And `Ad, and Thamud?
And of those who came after them?
None knows them but Allah
To them came Messengers with clear Signs;
But they put their hands up to their mouths,
And said: We do deny the mission
On which ye have been sant.
And we are really
In suspicious disquieting doubt
As to that to which ye invite us.
Kariem Abraham14/9
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