Sabtu, 21 November 2015


2.  A Mighty Adjuration
The Most Honourable Qur`an
Guiding The Logic Sovereignty
When The Soul of The Dying Man
Reaches The Throat
إنه لقرآن كريم
في كتاب مكنون
لا يمسه
إلا المطهرون
تنزيل من رب العالمين
أفبهذا الحديث
أنتم مدهنون
وتجعلون رزقكم أنكم تكذبون
فلولا إذا بلغت الحلقوم
حينئذ تنظرون
أقرب إليه منكم ولكن لا تبصرون
فلولا إن كنتم غير مدينين
إن كنتم صادقين
القرآن الكريم 56\77-87
This is indeed
A Qur`an
Most honourable
In a Book well-guarded
Which none shall touch
But those who are clean
A Revelation
From the Lord of the Worlds
Is it such a Message
That ye would hold in light esteem?
And have ye made it
Your livelihood
That ye should declare it false?
Then why do ye
Not interveve
When the soul of the dying men
Reaches the throat
And ye the while sit looking on
But We are nearer to him then ye
And yet see not
Then why do ye not
If you are exempt from future account
Call back the soul
If ye are true in your claim of independence.
The Most Honourable Qur`an 56/77-87

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