Sabtu, 21 November 2015


3.  How Many Generation
Before Them Was Destroyed
أولم يروا
كم أهلكنا قبلهم من القرون
أنهم إلينا لا يرجعون
وإن كل لما جميع لدينا محضرون
وآية لهم الأرض الميتة
وأخرجنا منها حبا
فمنه يأكلون
وجعلنا فيها جنات
من نخيل وأعناب
وفجرنا فيها من العيون
ليأكلوا من ثمره
وما عملته أيديهم
أفلا يشكرون
سبحن الذي خلق الأزواج كلها
مما تنبت الأرض
ومن أنفسهم
ومما لا يعلمون
القرآن الكريم يس 36\31-36
See they not
How many generations
Before them We destroyed?
Not to them will they return
But each one of them
All-will be brought before Us for judgment
A sign for them
Is the earth that is dead
We do give it life
And produce grain therefrom
Of which ye do eat
And We produce therein
Orchards with date-palms
And vines
And We cause springs
To gush forth therein
That they may enjoy
The fruits of this artistry
It was not their hands that made this
Will they not then give thanks?!

Glory to Allah
Who created in pairs
All things that the earth produce
As well as their own human kind
And other things
Of wich they have no knowledge.
The Most Honourable Qur`an 36/31-36  

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