Membership of the Organization
is open for:
Capitals and cities of the
Organization of Islamic Conference's member
countries, as Active members.
Capitals and cities of
countries that are not members of the Organization of Islamic
Conference, as Observer members.
Ministries, commissions,
organizations, universities, institutions,
research centers, cultural centers, and individuals as Affiliated
1- Active
These are the founding Islamic
capitals of 1400 H. (1980 A.D), as well as Islamic capitals and
cities of the Organization of Islamic Conference member countries whose
membership is endorsed by the Administrative Council. They are
required to comply with the Organization 's constitution and regulations,
and pay the pre-determined annual membership fees. An Active
member has the right to attend meetings of the General
Conference and the Administrative Council, and to be a member in
the administrative council and the right to vote and participate in the
Organization's operations, activities, and its various committees.
Moreover, an Active member enjoys all privileges and information provided
by the Organization for its members.
2- Observer
These are the capitals and
cities of countries that are not members of the
Organization of Islamic Conference, and whose membership is
accepted by the Administrative Council. They are required to
comply with the Organization 's constitution and regulations, support its
objectives, and pay the pre-determined annual membership fees. An
Observer member has no right to be a member in the Administrative
Council, but has the right to attend meetings of the General
Conference without the right to vote. An Observer member could
participate in the Organization's activities and its various
committees, if requested by the Organization. He enjoys all privileges
and information provided by the Organization for its members.
3- Associate
These are ministries,
commissions, organizations, universities, institutes, research and
cultural centers as well as individuals, establishments, public and
private sectors corporations, and associations of public benefit
concerned with, and relevant to the Organization's objectives and activities.
Their membership is subject to the acceptance of the Administrative
Council or of the General Conference. They are required to comply with
the Organization's constitution and regulations, support its objectives,
and pay the pre-determined annual membership fees. An associate member
has no right to be a member in the Administrative Council, but has the
right to attend meetings of the General Conference without the right to
vote. An associate member could participate in the Organization's activities
and its various committees, if requested by the Organization. He
enjoys privileges and information provided by the
Organization for its members.
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